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Sept. 6, 2007

Sept. 6, 2007
Third Floor Meeting Room

Attending:  Carl Shreder, Paul Nelson, Tom Howland, John Bell, John Lopez, Charles Waters, Mike Birmingham, Steve Przyjemski, Sharon Munro


-Discussion with Camp Denison folks regarding cabins.

Attending: Bob Gorton – Secretary for CDC, Bob Morehouse – Chair of CDC, Matt Lewis, and Brian Petry, Jim Connelly - Cub Scouts

Bob Morehouse, CDC – We have come to discuss some work out at Camp Denison. We had the Insurance Proceeds which has helped along with the volunteers in the repairs from the damage we sustained. We have repaired the main cabin and other repairs which needed to be done. We still have some foundation work that still needs to be done however; we did repair the mess hall walls. We have great group of volunteers. We want to beautify the main hall.

Bob Gorton, CDC – Now, everything is approximate and not actual measurements on this plan. Bob has made some great suggestions regarding the parking situation were Don has managed well so far. We want to look at parking there. In front of the lodge the water tends to flow right toward the lodge. We want to do some grading and then some beautification.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – So, were do you plan to drain the water to?

Bob Morehouse, CDC – There has been significant amounts of water at the manager’s cabin so, we are planning to put some stone around the drain to avoid the flow and we will put in some surface drains and plant some vegetation. There are some areas near the water that are eroding and that will need some work, too.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We can approach this as a package deal and include the erosion control along with the other proposed work. Funding would be something consider, too.

Bob Morehouse, CDC – Fundraisers?

Carl Shreder, GCC – Are you looking to put in crushed stone?

Bob Morehouse, CDC – Yes.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – Are you going to do any grading?

Bob Morehouse, CDC – Probably.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Are those three dry wells on the plan new?

Bob Morehouse, CDC – No. those have been there.

Bob Gorton, CDC – The drains here in front of the garage is really low.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – It is a good idea for erosion control.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Can you draw up a clearer plan that is labeled in reference to the drainage.

Bob Morehouse, CDC – The scout proposal is a really dangerous area now and some of the trees have deteriorated. This used to be a very active camping facility. There are some trees need to come down on page 5 the layout of the buildings. The bathhouse needs to be taken down the remaining cabins are in various conditions. The scouts want to carry out a project in three phases. Cub scouts will work to do a removal and revision for various groups and or other activities. We have water and electricity nearby. Waste water issue in phase three. It is really an improvement and it really is dangerous.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Couple of questions regarding the cub scouts being involved.

Jim Connelly, Cub Scout Rep. – The cub scouts will never do any heavy work the majority of the work will be done by the men and/or fathers of the boys. I assure you no children will do any heavy work in this project. I think this will be wonderful place once it’s done.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I see that there are some dates blocked out for use. This is public property and it will have to be shared.

Jim Connelly, Cub Scout Rep. – We would actually book that with Camp Denison and it would be a first come first serve basis. We would be in line like everyone else.

Carl Shreder, GCC – In terms of funding, were do we come up with the funds.

Matt Lewis, Resident – I have been trying to put his together – I think this would come from the CPC funding.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Camp Denison Committee will need to request this.

Carl Shreder, GCC – You can definitely apply for the funds as everybody can.

Bob Morehouse, CDC – Maybe we can get some donations.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We could consider this through he CPC funds if we have the money.

Bob Gorton, CDC – I think there isn’t a lot of money involved. It is just patch work mostly.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I’m still concerned with the cub scouts blocking out too much time there were others would not be able to use it.

Jim Connelly, Cub Scout Rep. – No, we would be reasonable about the usage. The projects the cubs do are what benefit the community not the scouts.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, you would organize that with Camp Denison?

Jim Connelly, Cub Scout Rep. – Yes and the girl scouts will use it too.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – What about parking? Is there enough room?

Jim Connelly, Cub Scout Rep. – Yes.  

Mike Birmingham, GCC – We have asked for a restroom as well.

Paul Nelson, GCC – This would be septic concern.

Bob Morehouse, CDC – Yes. That will be later in phase three.

Matt Lewis, Resident – I have Lowe’s who is willing to put in two bids on toilets and Home Depot will be willing to contribute two toilets as well. Others may also want to contribute.

Harry LaCortilia, Resident – I have spoken to Mike Lewis and Bob M. with the CPC funds and Mr. Lewis should get this in as a project proposal and it seems that the commission could be the sponsors for Camp Denison.

Carl Shreder, GCC – For the submittal we would need some figures.

Matt Lewis, Resident – I have been trying to complete the figures.

Harry LaCortilia, Res.  - Ultimately, there will be three years of phases were the money can be applied. If we over estimate it we can flow it into the next phase.

Bob Morehouse, CDC – When is the deadline?

Carl Shreder, GCC – Soon, so if you could put together a budget right away it would be good.

Bob Morehouse, CDC – We would like to come to you every six months to communicate.

Bob Gorton, CDC – I just want you to know that these people have really been great in helping out.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We can send them a thank you note. Get the names to me.

-CoC & OoC for 101 Lake Shore Drive
        -OoC for 9 Gloria Road


9 Gloria Road
Owner: Berry Low; Rep. Stephen Sawyer of Oak Engineers

Barry Low, Applicant – Here is the plan that is revised with the planting.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – Is what you had been expecting?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, I already have the OoC ready to be signed for this plan.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Does everyone see what they want in the plan?

ALL – Yes.

MOTION to approve the plan for 9 Gloria Road. Mike/Carl all/unam
Paul / abstain

MOTION to close hearing for 9 Gloria Road.  Carl/Mike all/unam

National grid Utilities
Appl. Mass Electric Co.; Rep. Timothy Sullivan of ENSR

Timothy Sullivan of ENSR
George Stannic – Project engineer

Tim Sullivan of ENSR – We had come in previously to reconstruct the line. It is the same as the previous project and this will be in line with the existing poles. Were we will rebuild the existing lines the Parker River does run along a section were the work is to be done. We will have erosion control min that area.

George Stannic, Project Engineer – Tim will consistently be working with me out there to be certain that we comply with the environmental regulations. The limitation is the railroad construction only.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We do own some of the land out there.

George Stannic, Project Engineer – No we have ownership of the railroad section.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Some poles will be removed some will be replaced.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Are there wood poles?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – 22 poles will be removed all together. The spans are 100 to 135’ and we are going to try and match that.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – So, you are going to keep this in sync with the existing?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – Yes.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, this is just routine maintenance?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – Yes.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Why was the previous one not a NOI and this one is?

Tim Sullivan, ENSR Rep. – The project was different then, which required an RDA.

John Lopez, GCC – I’m wondering what the potential mitigation is here. Does the National grid work with the wildlife if those poles are potential habitat for wildlife?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – We can look into it.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – It is definitely something I can look into even with NHESP.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Would we like to conduct a site walk?

Tim Sullivan, ENSR - If you come in on Thurlow Street you will find that it is the area with the most concern.

MOTION to conduct a site walk on Thurlow Street Sept. 15th @ 8:45AM. Mike/Carl all/unam

Carl Shreder, GCC – I would like to open this discussion to abutter comments if there are any abutters out there in the audience.

Barney Walski, Abutter at Parker River Landing – Will the poles that are being replaced be taller than what is there now?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – Yes, a little more than before, about 5’ taller on some of them.

Barney Walski, Abutter – Do you really need them to be taller than the existing structures? Will the poles that are down be cleaned up?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – Yes they need to be taller because of clearance issues. The poles will be cleaned up but, if there is a situation were we will have to cut and leave the butt.

Barney Walski, Abutter – I still don’t understand why we have to have the height increase?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – The height is for safety and for the wires. We will have be at a certain clearance.

Charles Waters, GCC – Is there a written guideline or code that you go by?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – Yes, NESC Codes has certain heights and codes.

Rich Combinski, Abutter at Parker River Landing – Is the wire the same size?
George Stannic, Project Engineer – The adjacent line will be the same.

Rich Combinski, Abutter at Parker River Landing – Do you plan to cross the ditch?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – No

Rich Combinski, Abutter at Parker River Landing – You are going to remove 22 poles?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – Yes.

Paul Nelson, GCC – We were out there near the Parker River and there was talk about the ditch that we were concerned with. So, do you all have any plans with those berms there? Is it possible to look at that area?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – Yes and no there are no plans for the berms out there.

Carl Shreder, GCC - …and just to be clear, you say the National grid owns that land? Do you have a deed that says you own that?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – Yes, we do.

Harry LaCortilia, Res. – The equipment that will be coming in from Mill St. is the bridge still there?

Carl Shreder, GCC – Yes, the bridge still there.

Harry LaCortilia, Res. – Does this affect the trail system that is being proposed?

Carl Shreder, GCC – If the project becomes a problem for the rail trail we could have a problem.

Robert Perot of 150 North Street – Are these poles going to be replaced on both sides? Will any poles be replaced all together?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – No, it will be lined up as it is. We will upgrade the both sides but it will be parallel.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Any other comments?

Abutter – If they do this work will it run into the rail trail?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – There shouldn’t be an issue with that.

Gary Morrison, Abutter – There was an issue with the area they are claiming they own. Were the Con Com should own. Do you have something that claims what you do or don’t own? It should be situations were you would petition the abutters and have the proof of ownership. Is there anything that shows that you own this? Not as an easement.  Do you have anything?

George Stannic, Project Engineer – If the commission wants we can bring proof of ownership.

Charles Waters, GCC – As long as we see that you have the right to do this?

Carl Shreder, GCC – Any questions?

Carl Shreder, GCC – Do we want a site walk?

Abutter – Who owns the property across the road?

Carl Shreder, GCC – I don’t know, we need to look into this.

Abutter – What about the ditch that we were talking about earlier?

Carl Shreder, GCC – We do feel that something can be done out there.

Abutter – What about a CoC?

Carl Shreder, GCC – They have not officially filed for a certificate of Compliance at this point.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Once they come in for a CoC we will address the issues.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We need continue this hearing.

MOTION to continue National grid hearing to Oct. 4th @ 9PM.  Tom/Mike all/unam

326 North Street
Owner: John Harrington; Rep. Robert Grasso of Professional Land Services, Inc.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – We have DEP number and notice from NHESP has not responded yet. We have a SF 3-bedroom house were we are replacing an existing leach fields and septic system. The area we will be working in is an existing yard. We are digging it out and replacing. We will have a silt sock installed for erosion control. The grade will not change.

Paul Nelson, GCC – What will be the fill?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Different grades of sands.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Are you on the property line? Is this why you can’t move that to the long way?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Yes and if we push it further.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Steve, any recommendations?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, and this is a tight spot and I don’t really have any suggestions.
However, we still have to wait for DEP’s review and NHESP comments.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – The BOA is still not approved this yet either. We are waiting for approval for the septic.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Does anyone want to do a site walk?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – I am just asking for an approval contingent on the other approvals.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We have to wait for the feedback from DEP, NHESP, and BOA. We will try to get you in the next hearing.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – We should wait for the BOA approval.

Charles Waters, GCC – Do we have to?

Mike Birmingham, GCC – No, but we should.

Charles Waters, GCC – Schedule this after the BOA meeting.

Paul Nelson, GCC – We really don’t like to give approval until they have had a chance to respond.

Paul Nelson, GCC – There really doesn’t seem to be an issue with this.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We should continue and you can contact Steve.

MOTION to continue 326 North Street to Oct. 4th 7:10PM. Tom/Carl all/unam

8-10 Pine Plain Road
Appl. Nelson & Judith Tidd; Rep. Elizabeth Wallis of Hayes Engineering, Inc.
Owners: Nelson & Judith Tidd also, Kevin Wood and Jie Tan

Nelson Tidd, Applicant – I was here a year ago and this issue regarding this property has been with the appeals court. The appeals court has issued a decision. However, we aren’t clear what this means. We have won the case but, we don’t know what we have won, yet. This is all I know at the moment.

Paul Nelson, GCC – How do you know you won?

Nelson Tidd, Applicant – This is because the superior court has vacated.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, the Superior court threw it back to appeals court.

Charles Waters, GCC – Based on the memo it would depend on the decision.

Nelson Tidd, Applicant – My attorney has suggested that we continue out to a month.

Charles Waters, GCC – Why would you think this would take a month? Nothing is going to be resolved in a month.

Carl Shreder, GCC – It may make sense that you voluntarily withdraw.

Charles Waters, GCC – Please recap this case briefly.

Nelson Tidd, Applicant – There was an imminent domain issue where there was an error on the town’s end as for as how who owns it. I acquired the land from my relatives with the understanding that the issue was resolved. We appealed the court claim that the town owned the land.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Is this about the back taxes?

Charles Waters, GCC – So, this isn’t regarding the conservation commission.

Nelson Tidd, Applicant – I would like to consult with my attorney about withdrawing.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I do not want to keep continuing this hearing.

Charles Waters, GCC – If you are going to continue in two months please explain your reasoning.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – We could waive the local fee for them to re-file if they have to.

MOTION to continue Pine Plain Road for Nov. 15th.

Parish Road
Owner: Parish Road Reality Trust; Rep. Mary Rimmer of Rimmer Environmental

Applicant requested a continuation for the Oct. 18th meeting.

MOTION to continue hearing for Oct. 18th @ 7: 30pm. Tom/Carl all/unam

119 Central Street
Owner: Frank Gatchell; Rep. Same

Bob Grasso, Rep. – There has been no word from the DEP, yet. This is currently being reviewed by the PB. The outside consultant has no issues. It is a three lot subdivision Park & Rec. proposed work will be tied in with this project. Seekamp was out there to flag the wetland lines.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So you are talking about an easement?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – No. the drainage will be tied into there drainage. There would have to be a culvert pipe there were there is already a natural flow there already.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Does it cross Central?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – No.

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, it will cross the area you are planning the drainage?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Yes. The filing we are doing to tonight is for the parking area and the drainage.

Carl Shreder, GCC – How are you going to run this onto Park & Rec. area?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – The water already flows this way.

Paul Nelson, GCC – I don’t understand the drainage flow. Why isn’t that showing wetland finger based on the flow?

Carl Shreder, GCC – I think a site walk is appropriate here.

Charles Waters, GCC – Are in front of the PB, yet?

Bob Grasso, Rep. –I do feel it will be moving in a positive direction.

Jim Demento, Park & Recreation – The PB suggested that this would be an easier solution. This came from the PB as a suggestion.

Carl Shreder, GCC – There was a small piece of land of ours that became conservation commission land.

Charles Waters, GCC – So, who owns the property?

Jim Demento, Park & Rec. – We do (Park& Rec.). It appeared to be coming from the PB board as a suggestion.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – They (Park & Rec.) owns it.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – We were going to tear up this area for a walk way and it was a suggestion of the PB to create this drainage.

Paul Nelson, GCC – You wouldn’t be crossing the wetlands, right?

Jim Demento, Park & Rec. – We are setting this up for a trail and a small swing set.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – Isn’t that small area?

Jim Demento, Park & Rec. – Yes, a small park.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We should go on a site walk of the area.

All – Yes!

Carl Shreder, GCC – When was the delineation done?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – I am not sure. I will find out.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The grading that’s in the 50’ buffer will be a waiver. So, maybe you can explain.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Why does that have to be so long on the drainage? This is really close to the wetlands.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – We want to allow for the sediment to have a chance to settle.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The distance on that is really not necessary on that and I’ll let you work with that.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Yes, we can shorten that up.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I will entertain the idea of the site walk.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – We are also going to install the silt socks.

MOTION to conduct a site walk on Sept 15th @ 10:15. Tom/Carl all/unam

MOTION to hire 3rd party review of wetland line to be selected by the Agent. Mike/Carl all/unam

Jim Demento, Park & Rec. – Who should be charged with the delineation? We are filing jointly.

Carl Shreder, GCC – That will be between you two to decide who pays.

Jim Demento, Park & Rec. – I’ll talk with you more, Steve.

MOTION to continue to Oct 18th @ 8:30pm. Tom/Carl All/unam

101 Lake Shore Drive
Owner: Joseph Maglio; Rep.: John Paulson of Atlantic Engineering & Survey Consultants, Inc.

Joe and John Maglio

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I believe we were all set with the OoC but needed to complete the
CoC for the previous work.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We need a motion.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – We have already approved the CoC and OoC.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Does anyone have questions.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Everything here requires a waiver. Does anyone agree? We will bless all of this but we will get nothing for it.

Charles Waters, GCC – This is a huge improvement.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I believe it is an existing dwelling.

Carl Shreder, GCC – If this was an area where there wasn’t an existing building/ home.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The OoC was drawn up from the meeting and was pending the closing of the previous CoC.

John Lopez, GCC – What about moving the tree? Is there a better way?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, I could work with them on that.

MOTION to approve plan for 101 Lake Shore Drive Tom/ Carl all/unam

MOTION to close the hearing Mike/Carl all/unam

29 Brook Street
Owner: John Morrison; Rep. Robert Grasso of Professional Land Services

Bob Grasso, Rep. – There hasn’t been any comments from the DEP. We have a DEP number. The septic system is for an existing 2 bedroom house. The lot was so small that we will have to work with the BOA on that. We can’t get the four hundred square feet.

Charles Waters, GCC – So how much is it?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Two hundred square feet and Seekamp Environmental flagged this area already.

Carl Shreder, GCC – The Presby is a really small system.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Yes.

Charles Waters, GCC – A different type of system wouldn’t work better.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Not that I know of. The Presby was able to go from a different square footage.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – What was there before?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – It is in a water table where the owner has kept it pumped out regularly.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Wouldn’t you have a restriction that wouldn’t allow the expansion of the house.

Bob Grasso, Rep. –No, we wouldn’t be able to expand this system.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Do you feel this will function properly?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Yes and it will be going through the DEP and other departments for approval.

Charles Waters, GCC – There really aren’t any places you can move this to. So, I guess there aren’t any other options and we should wait for the feedback from the DEP.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Isn’t there something more technologically advanced to work better? If the cost wasn’t an issue to the applicant it may be a consideration.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Have you been out to the site?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, but we have to wait for the BOA.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Is this system in failure?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Yes, it is technically in failure.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – we will use the liner for erosion.

MOTION to cont 29 Brook Street for Oct. 18th 9:00PM Tom/Carl all/unam